Latest Update — October 2020

Dear Family and Partners,

Greetings from South Carolina!  Fall is in the air, the trees are changing color, and the weather has been great.  It is a crazy time for us as we have been busy making preparations for our departure on October 27th back to Chad. We have been making last-minute phone calls, packing suitcases, ordering medical supplies, having meetings, and visiting with friends and family.

Our time in the States has been quite different than other furloughs, but also a time of rest, reconnecting with family and friends by phone, and social distancing.  We have been able to spend more time with Philippe, Brenna, Joel, and Jenny than we have in years! It has been a great blessing during this difficult COVID 19 time.

The highlight of our time in the States was Joël and Jenny’s beautiful wedding on October 10th in Johnson City, Tennessee. Unfortunately, Heidi, Petter and the children were unable to attend due to travel restrictions. Hurricane DeIta and COVID 19 did not damper the mood and it was such a joyous occasion to see the two take their vows before God and man.   A night to remember full of joy and laughter!  Please pray for them as they embark on this new journey we call marriage!

We continue to praise the Lord that the number of COVID cases in Chad have remained relatively low and that all staff members at the hospital have remained COVID free!  We are looking forward to being with and working with the staff soon. Our amazing team at Guinebor 2 Hospital continues to keep busy. 

Let us tell you about a case, unfortunately not unusual!  “Moussa” (not his real name) is a thirteen years old boy who was brought to the hospital by his parents because he broke his right arm and left leg in a motorcycle accident. 

The family, being poor, thought it would be easier and cheaper to take Moussa to a traditional healer who bound up Moussa’s arm tightly. 

Unfortunately, the dressing was much too tight causing the arm to lose its blood supply, and the arm became gangrenous. 

The parents, who had originally asked the traditional healer to help them, decided it was making their son worse so they brought him to Guinebor 2 Hospital. They had noted that there was a bad smell coming from the arm. 

Kalbassou and the staff were able to set the child’s left leg without any problem, but were not so fortunate with his right arm because the arm had developed gangrene and a bone infection.  The only solution was to amputate it above his elbow. 

Because of generous gifts given to the hospital’s “Poor Fund” by friends around the world, the family was helped with their bill and were so grateful for Moussa’s care and financial help!  Pray for this family that they will be touched by Christ’s love because of the care they received at the hospital!

We are so looking forward to getting back to Chad and being with our staff and missionary friends again, but it will be hard to say goodbye to family and friends.

We want to thank each of you who has helped us with prayer, financial gifts and other ways of encouragement during our prolonged stay here in the States!  We had intended to be here for about 5 months post-Bert’s total knee, however, because of COVID, another unexpected major surgery, and various health-related complications, we have now been here for almost 9 months. We will be returning on October 27th.

We thank you for continuing to pray for:

1.  Bert’s health,

2. Our trip back to Chad (with lots of luggage),

3. That no problems would arise with customs in Chad because of all the supplies and equipment we are transporting for the hospital, and

4. The readaptation to the October/November heat and dust as the rains have ended the beginning of October. 

Prior to leaving the States, we are required to have a negative COVID test.  Upon arrival in Chad, we are required to quarantine the first week, repeat our COVID test on day six with a negative COVID result before we are released to go back to work at the hospital.

Thanks for your continued prayers and financial support.  Without you as “our team” we couldn’t continue our ministry for the Lord in Chad!

In Him!
Bert and Debbie Oubre
Psalms 9:1-2