“The world is passing away and also it’s lusts but the one
who does the will of God abides forever.”
~ 1 John 2:17
In the above photo, Bernard (on the right) is witnessing to a Nomad patient.
Bernard completed three years in a four-year seminary then had to leave when his mother died to support the family.
He found work as a mason. He later felt called to serve the Lord in medicine, so he went to nursing school and has since practiced in a clinic in N’Djamena.
I met Bernard when he came to the hospital as an evangelist with his Lutheran Brethren Church to witness to our patients. This activity resulted in a church plant.
Bernard is one of the two pastors at the new church that meets in the G2 Christian school each Sunday.
He has served with me as my translator and assistant in our very busy surgical clinic as an unsalaried volunteer for six weeks.
He has an exceptional personal contact with patients and presents to them their need for Jesus as Savior better than anyone I know.
Most of our patients are Muslims. Several, in the short time he has been here, have put their faith in Jesus for salvation. He is very good at following up with these new believers.
I am happy to inform you that Brother Bernard will be given a position as clinic nurse starting in April. The Lord will be well represented in our outpatient department.
Lord, please send more humble and obedient servants like Brother Bernard to us. Amen.