Bebe Fatime Needs Prayer

Baby Fatime needs prayer.

Bebe Fatime’s short life has been difficult so far.

She was born with a congenital disorder called “ situs inversus” as well intestinal malrotation. These disorders are not too common, but both in the same baby is quite rare.

Fatime vomited from day #1 and for the next eight days.

After seeking medical help elsewhere, she was finally brought here. At surgery, we found the right lobe located on Fatime’s left instead.

Her gallbladder is therefore located on the left rather than the right, which will be confusing to doctors if she has gallbladder trouble in the future.

She also has malrotation of the intestine, so the appendix is also on the wrong side.

But the reason she vomited everything was from the presence of abnormal adhesions or fibrotic bands (“Ladd’s bands”) that causes a blockage of the part of the duodenum. This is part of the malrotation.

We divided these bands and are now at post-op day #3.

She has stopped vomiting and is being given maternal milk orally by syringe. She was too weak to breastfeed normally.

Fatime’s parents are Muslim.

Please pray that the Lord would completely heal Fatime and that someday they will come to know Him as their Savior and Lord.

Thanks and blessings,

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