August Travels to South Korea, Australia, & Possibly South Carolina

Philippe and Debbie at the ski jump site for the next Winter Olympics.

We traveled this month to South Korea to visit our son Philippe and his wife, Brenna.

After 28 hours in airports and planes, we arrived in Seoul. Philippe and Brenna met us and we continued on the 2.5-hour drive to Yangyang where they live and work teaching English.

The next day we went with Philippe to observe as he had two classes to teach before he and Brenna start their vacation.

It was good to meet his Korean colleagues and watch him (and admire him) interact so well with his students. Brenna teaches at a different school.

The next day we went to the DMZ and visited the site of the next Winter Olympics, including the site for the ski jump.

We won’t make the real event but Philippe and Brenna already have their tickets!

Next, we’ll fly to Brisbane, Australia to spend a couple of week with our daughter Heidi and her family. 

I’m still having pain in my knee so I’ll have an MRI done in Australia. If I need surgery, I’ll fly back to the South Carolina for it.

Please pray for my knee to heal so I when I return to the operating room I can better endure the long hours of standing.  

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