February 2022 Update

Dear Family and Friends,
Greetings from South Carolina once again! We returned from Chad, Africa, to the States the 4th of

February. In the short time since we have been back, we have traveled to Hendersonville, North Carolina, and Louisville, Kentucky to visit our children and their wives. It was great to spend time with them once again!


Breast cancer is one of the leading causes of death in Chad in females. It is common in young as well as older women.

Early breast cancer detection and caring for the women and men who have this terrible disease has always been a special interest of Bert’s.

The goal of the breast cancer project is to find tumors and treat them early. In the past few years, Bert has been diagnosing breast cancer more frequently.

He has trained two staff members to perform breast exams. Gisele and Salema examine the women and teach them how to do self-breast exams. This service is being done at the hospital and also in Douguia, a village 70 miles from G2.

If a breast mass is found, while examining a patient in Douguia, they are referred back to G2 Hospital for treatment.

Our prayer is that we will be able to continue to support these women and men who have been diagnosed with breast cancer both medically and spiritually.

Yes, men do have breast cancer. Bert performed breast cancer surgery on two men the week before we left.

In the near future, we hope to add an oncological service and hospice care for these precious people.


A three-year-old boy, whom we will call Abdoulaye, was admitted to the hospital with severe malnutrition and vomiting due to a huge congenital umbilical hernia.

The mass was larger than the size of a softball and had several pressure sores. Bert was called to assess this little boy who was in much pain.

On assessment, Bert found that he had an intestinal obstruction and the only intervention was surgery.

Upon opening his abdomen, Bert also found that the intestinal obstruction was due to a malrotation of the gut and liver.

To take care of this little one, Bert had to think outside to box to get the edematous intestines back into the small space without compromising his organs.

For a while it was touch and go!

Praise the Lord that after about a month, three surgeries, and having his mother constantly at his side, little Abdoulaye was able to go home.

Our prayer is that through this difficult time, that his mother, who was constantly at his side, will have seen Jesus through the compassion, care, and prayers of the staff who spent many hours caring for him.

He continues to be followed in our malnutrition clinic and is making great progress.


1. Many people ask us if we live in mud huts and have indoor plumbing?

We live in homes built with cement bricks and have indoor plumbing. In the villages, much of the population, unless they have a job, live in mud huts with tin roofs. Their water supply is mainly provided by wells and they have outhouses.

2. Another frequent question- do you see lions or much wild life?

Where we live, most animals have been hunted and killed. Further out in the bush, one might see antelopes, elephants, monkeys and other wild animals. Zakouma National Park located in southern Chad, is a place where you are more likely to see lions, elephants, buffalos, giraffes, leopard, black rhinos, baboons and all kinds of birds.

3. Are there snakes in Chad?

Yes, there are all kinds, but I have seen and killed more snakes in South Carolina than I have in Chad.


  • No major health problems during our time in Chad. Bert’s motorized wheelchair was a great help to him.
  • The new surgeon’s house and early detection breast cancer center have been completed and are in use.
  • New believers coming to the Lord through the ministry of our teammates. 
  • We have a new surgeon that will be starting to work part-time in April.


  • For the new believers to stand strong through persecution because of their faith in Christ.
  • Still looking for another surgeon.
  • Life in Chad has become more and more difficult for many people due to inflation and a poor rain fall.
  • We are still having problems with the hospital solar system.
  • Please join us in praying that the Lord will open the doors for those that He wants to join our team.
  • Rest during our time in the States and that the Lord will give usdiscernment for our future plans.
  • Would you join us and praying Psalms 83:18 over the work at G2: “Let them know that you, whose name is the Lord- that you alone are the Most-High over all the earth.”

We want to continue to thank each of you again for being part of our team, keeping us in your prayers and supporting us financially!

We would love to hear your praises and prayer requests!

In Him,
Bert and Debbie Oubre
Psalms 100