When six-month-old Achta was born, her tumor was the size of a large peanut according to her parents. Her 79-year-old surgeon and his team performed a tumorectomy and gave her a new chance at life!
The operation started at 8:30 am and ended at 10:30 am. No unusual complications
All the surgery team survived, even the old guy!
The little baby girl is fine so far.
Made a very sad mom happy!
Good day at the office!
The biopsies will leave tomorrow with a missionary for the states.
Thank you, Jesus, for using us here and for this experience today!
Many thanks to those who prayed for Ashta and for our team. Bert
This 11-year-old boy, Andre, has a history of this mass developing in the left facial area over a period of three years.
As you can see, from the large scar, another well-intending surgeon attempted to remove this tumor almost four months ago. However, he did not have proper training for a complicated case like this and the resulting extensive scarring made the case more difficult for us.
Immediately pre-op.
Immediately post-op. The operation took four hours. The extensive incision was necessary for proper exposure.
Second post-op day
Andre’s parents are poor Christians. 90% of our patients are Muslims. Most Muslims own sheep, goats, cattle and/or camels that they can sell to pay for medical/surgical needs.
Our Poor Fund committee determined that Andre’s family is truly needy.
The family paid 5% of the patient’s hospital bill and the hospital Poor Fund paid the rest.
If you would like to help us care for needy patients like Andre’s, please send a gift to the G2 Poor Fund at:
Crossover Global G2 Project-Chad 7520 Monticello Rd Columbia, SC 29203
If your gift is designated for the G2Poor Fund (Chad) there will be no handling charge, and all of your gift will go to help poor patients receive much-needed care.