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Hope and Healing for the Nations Through Christ
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History is being made as Dr. Paul, his wife, Lynn, and three children, arrived this weekend for a four-month stay.
Paul is originally from Ghana and has completed his Family Medicine residency at Ventura County Medical Center in California.
He is the first Fellow we have had. We will try to provide him with a rich experience here at G2.
Paul’s supervisor is Dr. James Appel, also a graduate of the FM residency at Ventura County. The latter FM residency is known as one of the best in the US.
Dr. Appel has a vast experience in serving in Chad for 17 years.
Thank you, Lord, for sending this great family!
Recently the eye surgery team (shown in the photos below) examined
and treated 500 patients for free with all sorts of eye problems.
One little girl had congenital cataracts removed from both eyes and
This new outpatient waiting area seats two hundred.
We saw 300 patients yesterday and 150 were eye patients!
The eye campaign ends Friday and the international team will leave. However, we have had excellent rapport and fellowship. Our best male scrub nurse, Theo, has attracted attention by his unusual aptitude and positive attitude. He is a new believer — saved here ?.
The ophthalmologists want to arrange formal training for Theo in Togo for two years. After this, he will return here to serve in our eye clinic and will be able to do cataract surgery.
There is a possibility of CBM (Christoffel Blinden Mission) building a new eye care center here and staffing it.
God is good!